DevOps / Cloud as a Managed Service is an Attractive option for High Growth, Startup companies looking for Help with Setting Up a Mature, Well-Architected Framework for Infrastructure, Orchestration and Automation in place for Continued Business Growth and Success. Our Managed Services prove to be a more natural, cost-effective option, given the Time, Cost and Investment in Learning that has to happen in-house, before having expertise in-house. Our Deep Expertise in Infrastructure, Cloud, DevOps, Machine Learning and Talent pool of officially certified personnel will make this transition easy.

Typical Use Cases:

  • Cloud Migration ( On-prem/ Data center to Cloud )
  • Cloud to Cloud (For example, AWS to GCP )
  • Enterprise Software ( like SAP, Oracle ERP) to Cloud
  • CI/CD and Automation – Enterprise wide for All Software Projects
  • Help Adopt the Latest Technologies
  • Infrastructure As Code
  • Configuration Management Tools
  • Zero Downtime Software Releases
  • Dockerizing Enterprise / Legacy Applications
  • Micro Services / Container Orchestration
  • AI Ops – using ML in Production Support
  • Large Scale Data / Database Migrations
  • Enterprise wide Re-Architecture / Re-Platform Efforts
  • Help Implement Operational Intelligence – Using Software Telemetry techniques, APM tools etc.